Aug 7-11

. As usual, I reached the school by 8:30am and the signed the attendance register at HM’s office. The day started with morning prayer at 9:25am. The classes began at 9:30am.Today, Ancy ma’am came for our class observation in the forenoon session from first hour to fourth hour. In the first hour, I prepared for my class. In the second hour, I had class at 8A1. Ancy ma’am came for my class observation. The class dealt with Distance & displacement.Ancy ma’am observed my class and noted down my strengths in my observation book. At 12:30 pm, we had our lunch. In the afternoon session,6th hour, I had class at 8A1.This class also dealt with problems on the previous topic.Today, students of the high school also practiced for the coming Arts day celebration. The classes ended by 3:30pm and I had evening duty from 3:30pm-4:00pm infront of the LP session. After that I signed the attendance register at HM’s office and left the school by 4:15pm.


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