Innovative models are teaching aid used by the teacher to create an effective learning environment for thier students. Different and innovative strategies were used for the construction of such models. These kind of model aims to imporve the focus, attention, curiosity and interest of the students. .If the students were interested and give more focus on a topic, which can imporve the reception and retention of the child.
For the construction of the model, one of the concept periodic table is introduced
Name of the Model: Energy Ludo
Subject: chemistry
Unit: Basic constituents of matter
Concept: periodic table
Ludo is a strategy board game for two or four players in which the playter race thier fopur token from start to the finish according to the rolls of a single die. Like every other board games, when the die get 6, the player can start the game. when the die get 6, the player can start moving only after intreperting a picture corresponding to the number. If the player find the answers and the referee the teacher is satisfied, the player can move. If player failed, the question will be directed to the opononet. The one who answer and lead the board and reach the Ludo home first will be the winner.
Reading and Reflection
" I believe something very magical can happen when you read a good book " J K Rowling Now I remember on the first day of MTTC, teacher told to introduce ourselves and she asked me have you read any books .I said no and she told don't will see the beauty of many books during the BEd training period. Yes,The books let you travel without moving your feet.and I took the book "understanding chemistry" by CNR RAO ,and it gives the basic information about chemistry through pictures concepts and illustrations. This is a beautiful book which is much helpful for the high school students. I tried a brief reflection on the book and the link is given below. Reading and reflection
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